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22-09-2017, 02:43, views: 2181, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
Isotoxin 0.4.528 Portable

Isotoxin is multiprotocol secure messenger for MS Windows. Audio and video calls (like in Skype). File transfer. Supported protocols: Tox, XMPP. Portable. Multiple profile. Multilingual. Metacontacts. Spell check. Autoupdates. Unique skinnable UI. Profile encryption. Absolutely free. Desktop sharing via video calls. Tox group chats (and audio group chats). Encrypted profile support (including message history). User can create any number of independent profiles. Each profile includes protocol accounts, message history and conversation settings. Each profile saved into its own single sqlite db file. User can switch the current profile to another one at any time, without restarting. User can combine any number contacts in one metacontact with common message history.

Standard features like:
Nickname customization
Status customization
One to one conversations
Message history
Unread messages notification
File transfer resuming
UI Themes
Faux offline messaging
DNS discovery (tox1 and tox3)
Send message create time (only Isotoxin to Isotoxin)
Unlimited message length (only Isotoxin to Isotoxin)
Inline images
Spell checker + Spelling dictionary build-in downloader
Only one active profile at the same time is allowed

Size (RAR): 7 Mb
5% recovery record

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Author: port2fik8
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