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11-04-2022, 19:01, views: 2940, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 4.6 Portable

Registry repair software that allows you to safely clean and repair registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks. The Windows Registry is a crucial part of your PC's operation system. Problems with the Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. Registry problems can occur for many reasons, including references left behind after un-installation; incorrect removal of software; missing or corrupt hardware drivers; or orphaned start-up programs.
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Author: port2fik8,
7-04-2022, 18:23, views: 4425, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
USB Image Tool 1.84 Portable

Backup and restore your USB drives with ease and accuracy. USB Image Tool can create images of USB memory sticks and MP3 players, that are mounted as USB drives. USB Image Tool allows you switch between images with different music styles on your MP3 Player or to make an exact backup image of your USB Stick.
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Author: port2fik8,
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