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13-09-2022, 12:18, views: 2976, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
LazPaint 7.2.2 Portable

Image editor, like PaintBrush or Paint.Net, written in Lazarus (Free Pascal). Includes BGRABitmap, a set of drawing routines. Features: antialiasing, multiple undo, alpha blending, BGRABitmap, selection of any shape, rotation, filters, update checker. It has new features: printing, curve adjustments, image list, texture on 3d objects, etc. LazPaint was started to demonstrate the capabilities of the graphic library BGRABitmap. It provides advanced drawing functions in Lazarus development environment. Both provided a source of inspiration for the other and finally LazPaint became real image editor.

Files: read and write a variety of file formats, including layered bitmaps and 3D files.
Tools: many tools are available to draw on the layers.
Edit/Select: select parts of an image with antialiasing and modify the selection as a mask.
View: color window, layer stack window and toolbox window.
Command line: call LazPaint from a console.

Useful keys:
Maintaining Space key down switches temporarily in move mode
F6 key hides/shows all tool windows
Ctrl key aligns to image pixels and limits possible angles with rotation tool
Backspace key erases last point in a polygon or last letter in a text
Enter key releases the selection Right mouse button can be used to:
Swap drawing colors temporarily
Subtract from selection (selection tool)
Define light position (shaded text, shaded shapes)
Finish a shape (polygon, curve)

Many common actions can be done with the toolbar. Zoom can be changed with the magnifying glass (+ or -), or by clicking on the 1:1 button to show the image at its original size in pixels, or with the zoom fit button to set the zoom so that the whole image be within the window. It is possible to undo/redo the 200 last operations. If you have a doubt on what you are drawing, undo back to the beginning, save a copy, and redo the modifications before going further.

Image manipulation:
An image can be resampled, flipped horizontally and vertically. Smart zoom x3 : resize the image x3 and detects borders; this provides a useful zoom with ancient games sprites.

Color manipulation:
Colorize : set the color of an image while preserving intensities
Shift colors : cycle colors and change colorness (saturation)
Intensity : make colors lighter or darker without making them white
Lightness : make colors lighter or darker by making them whiter
Normalize : use the whole range of each color channel and alpha channel
Negative : invert colors (with gamma correction)
Linear negative : invert colors (without gamma correction)
Grayscale : converts colors to grayscale with gamma correction

Filters can be applied to the whole image or to the active selection.
Radial blur : non directional blur
Motion blur : directional blur
Custom blur : blur according to a mask
Sharpen : makes contours more accute, complementary to Smooth
Smooth : softens whole image, complementary to Sharpen
Median : computes the median of colors around each pixel, which softens corners
Contour : draws contours on a white background (like a pencil drawing)
Emboss : draws contours with shadow
Sphere : spherical projection
Cylinder : cylinder projection
Clouds : add clouds of the current pen color

Size (7z): 7 Mb

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Author: port2fik8
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