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19-02-2018, 18:21, views: 3910, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
FotoMorph 13.9.1 Portable

Photo Animator. The easiest way to create professional morphing animations and Flash Rotation Banners. Amaze your friends and family with unbelievable transformations! Using FotoMorph you can do everything a professional animator does to create amazing animations. Designed for for Microsoft Windows? 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7. Flash, Animated GIF, AVI, JPEG, and other formats are supported.

"Digital imaging and graphic design software is often the victim of one of two problems: either it's too advanced for everyone but expert users, or it's too basic to do anything very useful. FotoMorph is one of the rare programs that manage to deliver impressive results with very little know-how. This fun application lets users create animations that morph one photo into another,
no experience required. We recommend this program to everyone"

Size (RAR): 8 Mb
5% recovery record

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Author: port2fik8
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