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19-08-2020, 12:41, views: 817, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
Ultra7z FLIF Image Lossless Optimizer 1.01 Portable

Optimize and convert your pictures PNG, FLIF, PPM, PAM, PNM, PGM, PBM in smaller FLIF files (up to 10-30%)! Full compatible with original FLiF format. High compression ratio — usually better than flif original (without tuning). Flif Optimizer tries many compression options and chooses the best result! Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Fast and Ultra modes for repacking! Reduce the size of your image files in one click! FLIF — Free Lossless Image Format. FLIF is a novel lossless image format which outperforms PNG, lossless WebP, lossless BPG, lossless JPEG2000, and lossless JPEG XR in terms of compression ratio. Program optimizes your file to new one with «_optimized» name ending (source file will remain intact).
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Author: admin,
17-08-2020, 12:49, views: 3501, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Office    
ICE Book Reader 9.6.5 Portable

ICE Book Reader Professional can can read TXT, RTF, HTML, MS Word documents, PALM books (.PDB and .PRC) and Microsoft Reader Books (.LIT). Ultra smooth scrolling with the exact control of scroll speed, automatically adjusted scroll speed, full text antialising, super scrolling with subpixel precision, wave scrolling, complete support Unicode and all known codepages, automatic text reformating, automatic text coloring, the system of an artificial intellect recognizing a format of the text, the programs built - in a code archivers ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LZH, HA is only small list of opportunities.
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Author: port2fik8,
16-08-2020, 00:17, views: 4675, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Audio    
CDex 2.24 Portable

CDex can extract the data directly (digital) from an Audio CD, which is generally called a CD Ripper or a CDDA utility. Advanced jitter correction (based on the cd-paranoia ripping library). The resulting audio file can be a plain WAV file (useful for making compilation audio CDs) or the ripped audio data can be compressed using an audio encoder (MP3, FLAC, AAC, WMA or OGG). CDex also supports many audio file tag formats like the ID3V1 and ID3V2 tags, which can be automatically inserted as part of the ripping process. In addition, WAV files on the hard drive can be converted to a Compressed Audio File.
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Author: port2fik8,


13-08-2020, 13:05, views: 4450, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
CheMaxRus 21.4 + CheMax 20.8 + CheMaxFC 3.3 Portable

CheMax is one of the best offline cheat-base for PC games. The base is based on ChEaTs software and it is fully rewritten and updated. There are no hints or solutions in its base, only pure cheat codes, level codes and easter eggs.
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Author: port2fik8,
12-07-2020, 01:13, views: 784, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
Ultra7z JPEG Photo Lossless Optimizer 1.11 Portable

Optimize and convert your pictures and photos JPG, JPEG in smaller JPG files (up to 10-20%) lossless! Full compatible with original JPEG format. High compression ratio — usually better than your programs / photo camera or smartphone. It uses program «jpegtran.exe» from MozJPEG. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Reduce the size of your image files in one click without quality loss! Program optimizes your file to new one with «_optimized» name ending (source file will remain intact).
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Author: admin,
1-07-2020, 21:17, views: 879, category: free portable Office / free portable Utilities    
Ultra7z Docx/Xlsx/Pptx Optimizer 1.10 Portable

Optimize and convert your document files (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, DOCM, XLSM, XLSB, PPTM - MS Office formats) in smaller size! Program optimizes your document file to new one with "_optimized" name ending (source file will remain intact). Maximum compression for office files without quality loss - up to 10-50% (Lossless)! Full compatible with original office format. The document is reduced by repacking the contents with a stronger compression algorithm. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). It uses 2 programs and selects the best result: ECT (Efficient Compression Tool), AdvanceCOMP. Compression modes: good (faster) or best (slowly). The main difference between Ultra7z Docx/xlsx/pptx Optimizer and other similar repackaging programs is that it saves quality of all pictures inside your documents. Full stats - saved disk space (Mb) total and for each archive in the list.
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Author: admin,
15-06-2020, 17:28, views: 4549, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
Registry Life 5.20 Portable

The system registry is one of the most important components of the operating system. The stability of the system's operation depends upon it being in working order, and the speed of the applications you work with depends upon the volume of data contained in it. Registry Life helps correct errors in the registry and optimizes it, increasing the working speed and stability of the system. It's a compact, simple to use, and FREE solution for servicing your system registry.
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Author: port2fik8,
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11-05-2020, 16:36, views: 3424, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
QuiteRSS 0.19.4 Portable

Open-source cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader. Quite fast and comfortable to user. Embedded browser (Webkit core). Feed and news filters: new, unread, starred, deleted (for news until restart application). User filters. Proxy configuration: automatic or manual. Feed import wizard: Search feed URL if site URL was entered. Adblock. Click to Flash. Mark news starred. Automatic update feeds: on startup, by timer.
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Author: port2fik8,
18-04-2020, 19:19, views: 3636, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
Hornil StylePix Portable

Hornil StylePix is a graphics editing program that allows you to draw pictures, edit photos and more. StylePix is an compound word, which contains the word "Style" and the word "Picture". As you like, "StylePix" therefore means "Style Picture". StylePix helps you to create nice pictures easily and quickly. If you don't use the image editor or think it is difficult to use try StylePix. You can also become a graphic designer with a variety of tools and an intuitive user interface. StylePix supports 53 languages.
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Author: port2fik8,
3-04-2020, 02:46, views: 4594, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable TV / Radio    
TapinRadio 2.12.4 Portable

TapinRadio is simple, fairly reliable and works most of the time. Plenty of stations to choose from and continuously updated. Supports most of the internet radio formats ? mp3, wma, ogg, aac. Quick search. Graphic Equalizer. Scheduled recordings. Record what you are listening to ? as separate tracks or continuously. Automatic checking for software and station listing (only if configured in settings). Show your favorites in groups. Alarm feature. Sleep timer to shutdown TapinRadio or even your computer!
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Author: port2fik8,
29-03-2020, 19:06, views: 3305, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
DriverPack Solution Online 17.11.28 Portable

DriverPack will install drivers and fix performance of any device. Solve problems with your device. Graphics card - Graphics problems will be fixed. FPS will increase. Network - You will be able to connect to the Internet and local networks. Sound - Finally you can listen to your favourite music. DriverPack will install drivers for any computer and laptop. DriverPack helps people to configure computers all over the world. 42 434 377 users downloaded DriverPack and fixed their computer problems in one click. We are against the malware and cooperate with antivirus companies. Does not contain viruses and malware ??” see for yourself at virustotal.
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Author: port2fik8,
11-03-2020, 13:38, views: 7189, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
Avant Browser 2020 Build 2 Portable

Avant Browser's user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Avant Browser can save users' bookmarks, RSS Feeds, configurations or web passwords etc, in Avant online storage. In this way, users can access their personal data from anywhere, office, home or an Internet cafe, and don't need to worry about losing those data when re-install windows. AutoFills: help users to memorize web passwords, and fill passwords for users with one click.
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Author: port2fik8,
3-03-2020, 15:21, views: 4335, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
UltraDefrag 7.1.4 Final Portable

UltraDefrag is a powerful disk defragmentation tool for Windows. It is the first open source defragmenter with full support of system locked files defragmentation. Actually all files including registry hives and paging file can be processed by UltraDefrag during the Windows boot process. Also one of the primary goals of the UltraDefrag design is doing the job as fast as possible.
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Author: port2fik8,
17-02-2020, 23:45, views: 5899, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
Firefox 123.0 Final Portable

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Three key goals for Firefox: Making the browser faster, building up support for more powerful web standards like HTML5, and giving users full control over their online identities on the social web. That last one in particular is good news to us, as we?ve often advocated that identity belongs in the browser. Mozilla has been experimenting with different identity management techniques for the past year or so, and it?s good to see the company treating user identity as a primary ?top 3" feature. The whole web is social now, and it?s time the user agent starts really acting as the user?s agent.
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Author: port2fik8,
23-01-2020, 14:51, views: 4388, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
Xinorbis 8.2.1 Portable

Xinorbis is a simple but powerful hard disk analyser. Using a sophisticated mix of graphs, tables and tree displays, it gives the user a complete overview of the contents of a hard disk, folder, removable or network drive. It makes it easy to see the contents, structure and file distribution and file composition of a whole hard disk, directory, or mapped network drive. Includes full report creation.
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Author: port2fik8,
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