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23-02-2022, 18:04, views: 3985, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Archiver    
IZArc2Go 4.5.0 Portable

Utility supporting many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XPI, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.
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Author: port2fik8,
19-02-2022, 21:19, views: 5003, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Video    
Light Alloy 4.11.2 Final Portable

Play AVI, DVD, DivX, MP3 with Light Alloy, advanced multimedia player with many features and friendly user interface. Highly optimised visual interface for speed and usability. Support almost all multimedia formats: AVI, DivX, MP3 and more. DVD Support (only with MPEG-2 decoder installed). Ability to take screenshots of movie. Ultimate video control: zoom, aspect ratio, brightness, contrast, sharpness. Playback speed control. Windowed and fullscreen playback with custom resolutions. Ability to play broken AVI files (or partially downloaded)
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Author: port2fik8,
10-01-2022, 19:20, views: 4588, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Office    
Task Coach Portable

Task Coach is a simple todo manager to manage personal tasks and todo lists. It grew out of Frank's frustration that well-known task managers, such as those provided with Outlook or Lotus Notes, do not provide facilities for composite tasks. Often, tasks and other things todo consist of several activities. Task Coach is designed to deal with composite tasks. Task Coach is developed by Frank Niessink and Jerome Laheurte, with help of different people providing translations. Many people use it on a daily basis, but there are still a lot of features missing.
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Author: port2fik8,


8-01-2022, 23:49, views: 811, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
Vit Registry Fix 14.5.0 Portable

Powerful program for cleaning the registry of errors and outdated data. The program has a powerful tool for automatic scanning and removal of many different types of errors. Vit Registry Fix can find more than 50 varieties of options for errors in the registry. A powerful automatic search of errors. Find and delete on disks the wrong shortcuts. Optimizing files of the registry. Managing uninstall the programs.
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Author: admin,
6-01-2022, 23:10, views: 4609, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Video    
Avidemux 2.8.0 Portable

Avidemux is a video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities. Avidemux is available for Linux, BSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows under the GNU GPL license. The program was written from scratch by Mean, but code from other people and projects has been used as well. Patches, translations and even bug reports are always welcome.
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Author: port2fik8,
5-01-2022, 00:11, views: 4121, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
Sylpheed 3.7.0 Portable

Sylpheed is a simple, lightweight but featureful, and easy-to-use e-mail client (mailer, MUA). Simple, beautiful, and well-polished user interface. Comfortable operationality which is built in detail. Well-organized, easy-to-understand configuration. Lightweight operation. High reliability. Internationalization and Multilingualization support. High-level Japanese processing. Various protocols support. Security features (GnuPG, SSL/TLSv1). Powerful filtering and search. Junk mail control. Flexible cooperation with external commands
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Author: port2fik8,
24-12-2021, 14:40, views: 960, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Archiver    
Ultra7z RAR Optimizer 1.03 Portable

Optimize and convert your RAR in smaller RAR archives! Auto switch PPMD/DELTA/AUDIO/EXE/RGB/RAR4/RAR5/standard during creation RAR-archives. Full compatible with original RAR format. High compression ratio — usually better than WinRAR original. Batch processing of archives (drag-n-drop). Fast and Ultra modes for repacking! Reduce the size of your old and new archives in one click! Save space on your computer or cloud storage, and don’t overpay for storing your files! Support for recovery record.
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Author: admin,
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1-12-2021, 21:59, views: 4246, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Video    
DVDStyler 3.2.1 Final Portable

DVDStyler is a cross-platform DVD authoring application that makes possible for video enthusiasts to create professional-looking DVDs. ?reation and burning DVD video with interactive menus. Support of AVI, MPEG and other file formats. Support of MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, Xvid, MP2, MP3, AC-3 and other audio and video formats. Using MPEG and VOB files without reencoding, see FAQ. Allows put files with different audio/video format on one DVD (support of titleset). Uuser-friendly interface with support of drag & drop. Flexible menu creation on the basis of scalable vector graphic.
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Author: port2fik8,
27-11-2021, 23:38, views: 4679, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
Unreal Commander 3.57.1497 Portable

File manager for Windows. Two-panel interface. UNICODE support. Extended search of files. Multi-rename tool. Synchronization of directories. Support of archives ZIP, RAR, ACE, CAB, JAR, TAR, LHA, GZ, TGZ, ARJ. Built-in FTP client. Folder tabs. Support of WLX-plugins and WCX-plugins. Build-in viewer and quick view function. Network support. Drag and Drop Support. History and Hotlist functions. ?opy/move/delete files background mode support. Deleting files with WIPE. Background pictures support. Visual styles: color categories of files, fonts for all interface elements.
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Author: port2fik8,
15-11-2021, 19:14, views: 3422, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
NexusFile 5.4.1 Portable

NexusFile is a file manager for Windows. You can manage many files very fast and easily. NexusFile will increase your computing performance. If you still use Windows Explorer, you must try this one. Basic Functions: Copy/Move To, Copy/Cut/Past, Delete/Shred, Rename, Change Attributes/Time. Advanced Rename: Rename multiple files at once with many powerful options. Navigate Folders: Favorite Folders, Working Folders, Tabs, Smart Address Bar. Archives: manages ZIP, ARJ, RAR, ACE archive files. Dual Panels: Open two folders at once. FTP: basic FTP functions.
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Author: port2fik8,
27-10-2021, 16:48, views: 731, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Office    
Ultra7z PDF Lossless Optimizer & Compressor 1.01 Portable

Optimize and convert your PDF files to smaller ones (up to 5-20% lossless and 50-200% lossy)! Full compatible with original PDF format. It uses programs Cpdfsqueeze, Pdfsizeopt and Ghostscript. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Reduce the size of your PDF files in one click without quality loss! Program optimizes your file to new one with «_optimized» name ending (source file will remain intact). Losslessly squeeze PDF files to reduce their size.
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Author: admin,
24-10-2021, 16:28, views: 1266, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
Victoria HDD/SSD 5.37 Portable

Victoria is a free, yet experimental hard drive tool which can be used to monitor the performance of your hard drive. The program can be useful to measure the performance of your hard drive and in case of issues, perform some minor repairs. It will display your hard drive model, size, features and some more advanced information from S.M.A.R.T. details. After scanning your hard drive's surface with Victoria, it can remap, erase and even restore data when errors are spotted. The application provides a number of configuration options as well as some advanced tools for working with hard drives. All in all, Victoria is a very handy hard drive benchmark tool which can also repair some errors.
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Author: port2fik8,
13-09-2021, 15:51, views: 594, category: free portable Archiver / free portable Utilities    
Ultra7z EXE/DLL Compressor & Optimizer 1.01 Portable (UPX Optimizer)

Compress your EXE/DLL executable files in smaller size (up to 200-300%) for best disk perfomance! Program uses UPX for compression and tries many tuning parameters for a smaller size. Programs and libraries compressed by UPX are completely self-contained and run exactly as before, with no runtime or memory penalty for most of the supported formats. 5 levels of LZMA optimization. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Reduce the size of your files in one click! Program optimizes your file to new one with «_optimized» name ending (source file will remain intact). Test after compression.
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Author: admin,
11-08-2021, 19:31, views: 4999, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
AnVir Task Manager 9.4 Final Portable

Processes and startup manager with following benefits: Monitor and manage processes, services, Internet connections, DLLs, drivers, locked files, windows; Startup manager: manage all programs running on startup including services and Internet Explorer toolbars; Startup monitor: alerts on new startups, block undesired startup programs; Minimize windows to system tray and save taskbar space; Quick access to last launched programs and last opened folders in system tray; Dynamic icons in tray for CPU, memory and disk load; Limit the CPU usage of processes that eat a lot of CPU; Log and graph of processes activity.
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Author: port2fik8,
1-07-2021, 15:15, views: 3802, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Video    
Gom Player 2.3.66 Final Portable

GOM Player supports most popular codecs (AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX plus many more) with its own embedded codec system that you won't have to look for appropriate codecs everytime you can't play a certain video format. For those codecs that require a license that cannot be distributed, GOM will automatically lead you to an open-source codec web-site. Watch video files while you are downloading them! GOM has a registered patent for playing broken AVI files and files that are still being downloaded. So try one of your broken AVI files or one that you are downloading right now. You'll find it amazing!
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Author: port2fik8,
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