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25-12-2022, 17:56, views: 467, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Audio    
WinAmp Pro Portable

A flexible and sophisticated application for playing and managing your music. Winamp is more than just a player. It's your window to the multimedia world. From MP3s to streaming video, Winamp is the one place you go to feed your audio/video habit. Easily access the Media Library, Playlist Editor, Video, Visualizations, Media Monitor Browser, EQ, Skin Options and Color Themes all from one single user interface. Includes over 20 color themes that suit nearly every mood or occasion!
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Author: admin,
23-12-2022, 02:11, views: 5079, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable CAD    
LibreCAD 2.2.0 Portable

LibreCAD is the Open Source personal CAD application for Windows. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. You, too, can also get involved! LibreCAD is a comprehensive, 2D CAD application. There is a large base of satisfied LibreCAD users worldwide, and it is available in more than 20 languages and for all major operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Suse, ...). You can download, install and distribute LibreCAD freely, with no fear of copyright infringement. No language barriers ? it's available in a large number of languages, with more being added continually.
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Author: port2fik8,
8-12-2022, 22:55, views: 4644, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
WhatsApp 2.2245.9 Portable

This is a multiplatform mobile phone messaging service that uses your phone's internet connection to chat with and call other WhatsApp users. WhatsApp includes all required formats of electronic communication e.g. texts, audio, video, photos and emotions to let you enjoy best communication with your friends and family members. This simple, personal and real time messenger is very simple to use and unlike other apps of this category there is no need to log in / out because WhatsApp is always on and always connected.
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Author: port2fik8,


5-11-2022, 20:28, views: 3308, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
SunlitGreen BatchBlitz Portable

SunlitGreen BatchBlitz is a free, powerful and easy-to-use photo categorizer, file filter and batch editor. It provides an intuitive and efficient way to categorize and batch process your digital photos. The use of regular expressions and actions make the tool extremely flexible and powerful. BatchBlitz lets you batch-process your photos using customizable actions. You can save your action settings to a task file and reuse it later. Actions allow you to filter source files (using regular expressions, for example), rename and convert images, as well as add watermarks, resize/rotate canvas, apply automatic color corrections, etc. The instant preview will give you a better idea of the actual effects. In a typical batch processing task, you simply select some source images, specify where and how to store the output files, define one or more actions, and then start the task with a click.
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Author: port2fik8,
24-10-2022, 17:18, views: 6835, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Video    
MediaCoder 0.8.65 Portable

MediaCoder is a universal batch media transcoder, which nicely integrates most popular audio/video codecs and tools into an all-in-one solution. With a flexible and extendable architecture, new codecs and tools are added in constantly as well as supports for new devices. MediaCoder intends to be the swiss army knife for media transcoding in all time and at this moment, it already has millions of users from 170+ countries all over the planet.
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Author: port2fik8,
13-09-2022, 12:18, views: 2984, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
LazPaint 7.2.2 Portable

Image editor, like PaintBrush or Paint.Net, written in Lazarus (Free Pascal). Includes BGRABitmap, a set of drawing routines. Features: antialiasing, multiple undo, alpha blending, BGRABitmap, selection of any shape, rotation, filters, update checker. It has new features: printing, curve adjustments, image list, texture on 3d objects, etc. LazPaint was started to demonstrate the capabilities of the graphic library BGRABitmap. It provides advanced drawing functions in Lazarus development environment. Both provided a source of inspiration for the other and finally LazPaint became real image editor.
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Author: port2fik8,
30-08-2022, 22:29, views: 3412, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
qTox 1.17.6 Portable

A New Kind of Instant Messaging! Distributed, secure messenger with audio and video chat capabilities. Whether it's corporations or governments, digital surveillance today is widespread. Tox is easy-to-use software that connects you with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, Tox is completely free and comes without advertising ??” forever.
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Author: port2fik8,
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27-08-2022, 13:05, views: 4603, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Dictionary / Translators    
QTranslate 6.10.0 Portable

QTranslate is a free translator for Windows (Windows 8/7/Vista/XP). With this small utility, you simply select the text you want to translate and then press the hot key (Ctrl+Q to show translation in the popup window or Double Ctrl click to show the translation in the main window). The program also has the ability to speak text (Ctrl+E) and perform a dictionary search (Win+Q). Also, you can open the main window and type text manually. The program translates a text by using online translation services, so you need an Internet connection.
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Author: port2fik8,
6-08-2022, 01:09, views: 481, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
Ultra7z JPEG Archiver 1.01 Portable

Archiver of JPEG-pictures to smaller JPEG XL files (*.jxl)! You can add to archive or extract your original photos from archive. Lossless JPEG transcoding - about 20% smaller. Existing JPEG files can be losslessly transcoded to JPEG XL, significantly reducing their size. These can be restored into the exact same JPEG file, ensuring backward compatibility with existing JPEG-based applications. These features are intended to provide a smooth transition from legacy JPEG platforms to the modern JPEG XL. Both the transcoding and restoration are computationally efficient. JPEG XL is a modern image format that provides superior lossy and lossless compression for images. Using JXL, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster. It uses program cjxl.exe. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Program optimizes your file to new one with «_optimized» name ending (source file will remain intact). Reduce the size of your image files in one click with or without quality loss!
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Author: admin,
2-08-2022, 22:57, views: 4552, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
SunlitGreen PhotoEdit Portable

Lightweight yet powerful photo enhancer and editor. Drag and drop to open photo files. Photo viewer with easy-to-use zoom tools. Editable and savable image selections. Automatic color corrections. Advanced, channel-oriented color corrections. Previewable image adjustments. mage filters for creating special effects.
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Author: port2fik8,
4-07-2022, 18:05, views: 3882, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
FastStone Photo Resizer 4.4 Portable

FastStone Photo Resizer is an image converter / resizer intended to enable users to convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks to images in a quick and easy batch mode. Drag and Drop mouse operation is well supported. Support JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF and JPEG2000.
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Author: port2fik8,
11-04-2022, 19:01, views: 3004, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 4.6 Portable

Registry repair software that allows you to safely clean and repair registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks. The Windows Registry is a crucial part of your PC's operation system. Problems with the Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. Registry problems can occur for many reasons, including references left behind after un-installation; incorrect removal of software; missing or corrupt hardware drivers; or orphaned start-up programs.
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Author: port2fik8,
7-04-2022, 18:23, views: 4442, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Utilities    
USB Image Tool 1.84 Portable

Backup and restore your USB drives with ease and accuracy. USB Image Tool can create images of USB memory sticks and MP3 players, that are mounted as USB drives. USB Image Tool allows you switch between images with different music styles on your MP3 Player or to make an exact backup image of your USB Stick.
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Author: port2fik8,
27-02-2022, 23:50, views: 860, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Graphics    
Ultra7z Images to WebP Converter 1.02 Portable

Convert your pictures JPEG/PNG in smaller WEBP files (up to 10-50%)! High compression ratio — better than your programs / photo camera or smartphone. WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster. It uses program cwebp.exe from Google. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Reduce the size of your image files in one click with ot without quality loss! Program optimizes your file to new one with «_optimized» name ending (source file will remain intact). WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM quality index.
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Author: admin,
24-02-2022, 16:21, views: 3529, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Backup    
Toucan Portable

Toucan is a small utility allowing you to synchronise, backup and secure your data with more options than the built in suite utilities. It is split up into 7 tabs, allowing you to easily find the function that you want. Four synchronisation modes, copy, update, mirror and equalise. Backup and restore in industry standard zip and 7-zip files, with support for complete backups, updating existing backups and incremental backups, as well as restoring files from an archive. AES-256 encryption using ccrypt. Command line support, allows you to create a batch file for repeated jobs. Portable variables, point to places on you USB drive no matter what its drive letter is.
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Author: port2fik8,
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