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20-02-2024, 18:35, views: 6736, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable Internet    
BitTorrent Portable

BitTorrent is the global standard for delivering high-quality files over the Internet. With an installed base of over 160 million clients worldwide, BitTorrent technology has turned conventional distribution economics on its head. The more popular a large video, audio or software file, the faster and cheaper it can be transferred with BitTorrent. The result is a better digital entertainment experience for everyone.
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Author: port2fik8,
20-02-2024, 18:34, views: 3077, category: freeware portable soft: / free portable System    
Auslogics Registry Defrag Portable

Keeping the registry as compact as possible means better computer performance. Auslogics Registry Defrag is fast becoming a useful and essential tool in keeping your registry defragmented. As a result, the Registry becomes compact and small, greatly improving your computer performance. Most of you already know that a fragmented registry slows down computer speed (same as hard disks). But few are aware that the registry is fully kept in the memory when your PC is running. Memory on your PC is much smaller than disk space and the more bloated the Registry becomes, the less space there is for other programs to run. Knowing that, it should not come as a surprise to you that Windows Vista or XP runs noticeably slower after a few months of work.
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Author: port2fik8,
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